VMware: SRM Movies

De afgelopen week, was het de week van SRM. Verschillende blog posts zijn de rss feeds gepasseerd. Maar de meest uitgebreide kwam toch pas vandaag online. Chris heeft een video how to op zijn blog geplaatst. De blogpost vind je hier: getyournerdon.com

De volgende videos zijn zeker de moeite van het kijken waard:

SRM in a Box







Tomas ten Dam release his final version of the SRM in a Box document. You can grab your copy here: srm-in-a-box-final-release-the-complete-setup.


The last few years “disaster recovery” has become a hot topic in the IT industry. Working in a 24/7 economy demands greater availability to our computer systems. But what to do if a disaster strikes at your production site? You can have backup tapes, disks or even a mirrored storage at another site, but it can take hours or even days to start up a new production site which is available to your employees. Customers can’t be served in those days, and that will result in financial losses. VMware Site Recovery Manager makes disaster recovery easy and will save you time when a disaster happened. The big problem for a consultant or engineer is how to test and learn how SRM is working. If you want to test this, expensive hardware must be available for quite some time. You need double storage, a couple of esx servers and some hardware to host 2 domain controllers, virtual center servers and SQL servers. And what if you need a demo for a customer? You can’t have all the expensive hardware at your site for just showing how it works. I am working with VMware and Netapp most off the time lately en was thinking; maybe it is possible to build a test lab with SRM in VMware workstation. I had a Netapp simulator and VMware esx is working in Workstation 6.5 so why not give it a try. And it works! In this document I am going to describe what I did to make it work. Have fun!

VMware: SRM in a Box


Tomas ten Dam heeft een blogpost gemaakt over een SRM in a Box setup met VMware Workstation, ESX, vCenter en Netapp. Deze blogpost vind je hier: http://tendam.wordpress.com/2008/11/09/srm-in-a-box-configured/

Joep Piscaer heeft ook een blogpost gemaakt over SRM in a Box alleen dan niet met een NetApp storage appliance maar een Lefthand VSA storage appliance. Ook is deze post meer een “How To” met een uitgebreide uitleg over deze setup. Je kunt de post hier vinden: http://www.virtuallifestyle.nl/2008/11/vmware-site-recovery-manager-with-lefthand-vsa/

Video: Two VMware Site Recovery Manager Videos

Mike Laverick is bezig met een boek over SRM. Tijdens het schrijven van het boek heeft hij een aantal filmpjes geschoten.


I’ve been working with VMware’s Site Recovery Manager product for sometime, indeed I’m in the process of completing a book on the product. As a companion to the book I’ve put together a couple of Microsoft .wmv files that show a test of a site recovery plan, and the actual run of a recovery plan for really


Je kunt de filmpjes hier bekijken: http://www.rtfm-ed.co.uk/?p=549

Release: VMware Site Recovery Manager 1.0


This is the second company’s attempt to enter the security market: VMware started with Assured Computing Environment (ACE), which could represent an effective endpoint security solution but had very acceptance.
With SRM VMware moves to disaster recovery but differently from ACE, this product is not a security solution that can be used in any environment. SRM is a DR solution for VMware Infrastructure only (Standard or Enterprise edition).

SRM 1.0 comes as a VirtualCenter 2.5 plug-in and allows VMware customers to design, test and execute a seamless migration of virtual machines from the production site to the recovery site and vice versa (if you want SRM to bi-directionally protect both sites).

The product allows to define virtual machines groups with different recovery priorities (including non-essential VMs which just stay off), the single VMs restart order, and the SLA for recovered VMs.
Additionally, SRM takes care of which site is in read/write state and which is in read-only state during the whole process.

Meer informatie vind je hier: http://www.virtualization.info 

en hier: http://www.vmware.com/products/srm/overview.html