vCenter Operations Manager 5.x vApp Admin account tips

I just want to share two KB articles about the Admin account used in vCenter Operations Manager 5.x vApp. I had some trouble logging in as admin and these articles helped me solve the issue.

Automated lockout of the admin account in the vCenter Operations Manager 5.x vApp


vCenter Operations Manager 5.x locks out the admin account on the vApp if you try to log in with incorrect credentials three times in a row.


Determine whether the admin account is locked out

  1. Log in to the console of the UI VM as root user.
  2. Run the following command twice: su admin.
    The admin account is locked if the console displays a message that reads Account locked due to XX failed login, where XX stands for the number of failed login attempts.
  3. Repeat the above steps on the Analytics VM to check if the admin account there is locked out.

Unlock the admin account

  1. Log in to the console of the UI VM as root user.
  2. Run the following command: pam_tally --user admin --reset.
  3. Repeat the above steps on the Analytics VM if the admin account there is locked out.

Disable the automated lockout for the admin account (optional)

  1. Log in to the console of the UI VM as root user.
  2. Remove or comment out the following line from file /etc/pam.d/common-auth:
    auth requisite deny=3
  3. Repeat the above steps on the Analytics VM to disable the lockout functionality there.
    Note: The admin account is unlocked automatically when you disable this functionality.

Source: KB2030185

Resetting user passwords in vCenter Operations Manager vApp


This article describes how to reset passwords in vCenter Operations Manager 5.x. The procedure for the root user is different from the admin user. Both procedures are documented here.


Resetting the root user password

If you forget the root user password, you can reset this password by booting into single user mode.

To reset the root user password:

  1. In the vSphere Client, power off both the UI and Analytics virtual machines.
  2. Select the powered-off UI virtual machine, right-click it, and choose Open Console in the pop-up menu.
  3. From the virtual machine console window, hit the green |> button to power on the UI virtual machine .
  4. When the boot screen appears, quickly click inside the window and enter a space.
    The boot process halts and the countdown from 7 to 0 at the bottom of the screen clears.
    Note: You have only a few seconds to accomplish this step. If you do not halt the boot countdown, you have to start over.
  5. Make sure the first line is selected (SUSE Linux Enterprise …), and press e.
    A boot parameters menu appears.
  6. Go to the second line (beginning with “kernel /vmlinuz-….”), and press e again.
    You are dropped into a grub prompt, and the cursor is positioned at the end of the line.
  7. Enter a space, followed by the parameter init=/bin/sh, and press Enter.
    The space and the parameter are appended to the line onscreen. Once you press Enter, you are returned to the previous boot parameters screen, with the kernel line highlighted.
  8. Press b to boot.
    You see a short boot sequence, followed by a shell prompt.
    Note: This step overwrites the temporary changes made in Step 7, and all boot parameters revert to their previous values.
  9. Run this command to reset the root user password:
  10. Repeat Steps 1-9 for the Analytics virtual machine.
    Note: Make sure that you enter the same new password for both the UI and the Analytics virtual machines.

  11. Resetting the admin user password

If you forget the admin user password for vCenter Operations Manager, a script is available for you to re-set that password.

For the 5.0 version only, you must download and use the script attached to this document.

For vCenter Operations 5.0.1 and subsequent versions, the script will be available in the vApp.

To reset the admin password, follow these steps. If you are on a version later than 5.0, go to Step 3.

  1. If you are on the 5.0 version, download and unzip the file to obtain the script
  2. Save on the UI virtual machine in the /usr/lib/vmware-vcops/user/conf/install folder.
  3. Make the script executable.
    chmod 755
  4. As root, run the script on the UI virtual machine:
    ./ new-password

Source: KB2013358

Add Custom Fields to VI Client with Powershell (Samples)

Hugo Peeters heeft zijn Powershell scripts voor het vullen van Custom Fields in vCenter gepost:

Snapshot Count

I already showed you how to do this, but I have now added an IF-statement so that only changes are updated (equal values are not overwritten). And I have added Julian Wood’s correction. Add-VMSnapshotCount.ps1

Total Snapshot Size

The number of snapshots is quite inetresting, but even more interesting, is the total size of the delta files all snapshots are occupying. They might be eating up all your precious SAN space. Plus, reverting to or committing a large snapshot is tricky. Add-VMSnapshotSize.ps1

Host Hardware Model

Want to see what models of hardware you are using in your datacenter? You could look at the summary tab of each host. Or run this script to add the info to the every Hosts tab in the VI Client. Select your Datacenter, select the Hosts tab and enjoy! Add-VMHostModel.ps1

Host ESX Version

Did you update all your ESX Servers to the latest version? Check it quickly using this script. Add-VMHostVersion.ps1

Host LUN Count

Last but certainly not least: are you sure every datastore you are using is available to all your ESX Servers? It is visible at a glance when you add the LUN Count to your VI Client! Add-VMHostLUNCount.ps1


Check zijn site voor allerlei top Powershell scripts:



VMware: Snapshot Information in vCenter


Hugo Peeters heeft een powershell script gemaakt welke het aantal snapshots laat zien in een custom field binnen vCenter.

Although I spend quite some time in the Powershell Command Line Interface, the main tool for managing the Virtual Infrastructure remains the VI Client. So wouldn’t it be great if we could somehow show the results of our Powershell VI Toolkit scripts inside the VI Client?
Well, we can! Let’s take a closer look at Custom Fields / Custom Attributes.
If you select either a VMHost (ESX Server) or a VM in the VI Client and open the Summary tab, you will see the Annotations section in the bottom left. When you click Edit, I’m sure you have used the Notes section to enter Descriptions. But have you ever used the Attributes section? Here you can manually add and remove custom attributes and their values. Go ahead and create one. Then select a cluster or datacenter and click the Hosts or Virtual Machines tab. You will notice you can display your custom attribute in this table view, just like all the other properties of your VMs / Hosts. Pretty sweet!

Voor meer info zie Hugo zijn post:

VMware: vCenter Administrator Portal

Duncan posted a news item about the vCenter Administrator Portal Server over here: and here



What can you expect at this moment:

  • Single sign-on to multiple vCenter Servers
  • Monitor events and alarms across multiple vCenter Servers
  • Search and track inventory across multiple vCenter Servers
  • Launch VI Client in context to manage vCenter Servers
  • Search for virtual machines across multiple vCenter Servers
  • Launch virtual machine consoles
  • Utilizes permissions setup in vCenter Servers
  • Unified view for: vCenter Servers, Datacenters, Clusters, Hosts, Virtual Machines
  • Access summary view of inventory objects, rolled up across vCenter Servers, for comparison and monitoring purposes


You can download your copy here: