PowerCLI: Changing Advanced Configuration Settings for NFS

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After reading Jase’s post http://www.jasemccarty.com/blog/?p=532 about setting the advanced configuration settings. I wanted to create a script and add it to the Community Powerpack (more info about the Powerpack here: http://www.virtu-al.net/2010/06/04/goodbye-virtu-al-hello-community/)

So I created two PowerCLI scripts to achieve this. You can see a short demo here:


This script will be added to the new version of the Powerpack.If you don’t want to wait until  the new version of the Community Powerpack comes online, you can use the following script to set the advanced settings on all of your ESX hosts:

    [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

Connect-VIServer $vCenter

$esxHosts = Get-VMHost | Sort Name
foreach($esx in $esxHosts){
    Write-Host "Updating TCP and NFS Advanced Configuration Settings on $esx"

    # Update TCP Settings
    if((Get-VMHostAdvancedConfiguration -VMHost $esx -Name Net.TcpipHeapSize).Values -ne "30"){
        Set-VMHostAdvancedConfiguration -VMHost $esx -Name Net.TcpipHeapSize -Value 30 -Confirm:$false
    if((Get-VMHostAdvancedConfiguration -VMHost $esx -Name Net.TcpipHeapMax).Values -ne "120"){
        Set-VMHostAdvancedConfiguration -VMHost $esx -Name Net.TcpipHeapMax -Value 120 -Confirm:$false

    # Update NFS Settings
    if((Get-VMHostAdvancedConfiguration -VMHost $esx -Name NFS.HeartbeatMaxFailures).Values -ne "10"){
        Set-VMHostAdvancedConfiguration -VMHost $esx -Name NFS.HeartbeatMaxFailures -Value 10 -Confirm:$false
    if((Get-VMHostAdvancedConfiguration -VMHost $esx -Name NFS.HeartbeatFrequency).Values -ne "12"){
        Set-VMHostAdvancedConfiguration -VMHost $esx -Name NFS.HeartbeatFrequency -Value 12 -Confirm:$false
    if((Get-VMHostAdvancedConfiguration -VMHost $esx -Name NFS.HeartbeatTimeout).Values -ne "5"){
        Set-VMHostAdvancedConfiguration -VMHost $esx -Name NFS.HeartbeatTimeout -Value 5 -Confirm:$false
    if((Get-VMHostAdvancedConfiguration -VMHost $esx -Name NFS.MaxVolumes).Values -ne "64"){
        Set-VMHostAdvancedConfiguration -VMHost $esx -Name NFS.MaxVolumes -Value 64 -Confirm:$false


You can start the script with the parameter –vCenter in my case this is vc01:


The script will generate the following output.


Note on the first ESX host I already changed the NFS.HeartbeatFrequency during the test of the cmdlets.

Release: vEcoShell 1.2.6


vEcoShell 1.2.6 is GA!!

Quote from vEcoShell blog:

The major difference in 1.2.6 is in how connections to multiple vCenter or ESX Servers are managed.  In previous versions, vEcoShell maintained all session management and required custom code in nearly all of it’s scripts to function properly.  These scripts could not run externally to vEcoShell, so the PowerShell Code tab provided limited value.  With the 1.2.6 release, vEcoShell now lets PowerCLI manage all connections.  This means we were able to remove all custom code from our script library.  Nearly every script that is in vEcoShell today can be run externally.  Simply copy a code block from the "PowerShell Code" tab after a script has completed and paste it into the script editor.  After running the Connect-VIServer command in the console window, the copied funciton will run just as it does in the admin console.

What’s new:

  • it’s the first stable release
  • compatible with PowerCLI 4.0 U1
  • easy Copy and Paste PowerCLI code
  • It will remain Freeware 🙂

You can download the vEcoShell 1.2.6 and language packs here: http://vcommunity.vizioncore.com/administration/vecoshell/p/downloads.aspx 

If you’re new to the vEcoShell, checkout the QuickTip videos from Scott Herold here: http://vcommunity.vizioncore.com